Sunday, June 10, 2007

Talking of Labour and the interweb...

The other day I looked into MpURL, which is the Party's site for members. If you are a Labour member, you only need your membership number to access a site that you have set up all ready for you.

You'll be able to set up a blog, which can be internal only or can be made public. You can contact other users directly - and it's easy to find who members are in your own CLP. There is also a discussion board already in place for each CLP, as well a set of boards set up for discussing policies (remember them?).

To be honest, I haven't been impressed by much of the national party's previous efforts on t'internet, or to contact and involve members. This, however is really pretty nifty. It certainly surpasses the 'Labour Supporters Network', which seemed to be simply a large mailing list which was barely used, and an excuse to bypass the membership.

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